Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Aestehetic Apparatus

There main element of design is texture, they use it to make these cool effects on their designs. It also seems like they printer over and over and the same paper to create ever more effects and nice accidents

They use their art for publicity and to make money, there really isin't a deep meaning

Milton Glaser


Here he uses lines to drive your eye around the page

Here he uses lines to blur out the image giving it a more "mystical" atmosphere

                                                        Here he uses lines to make Lincoln face Stand out 

In his work Milton Glaser uses mainly the line as element of design. He uses it to drive out eye around the page, to give movement, to blur out the image a bit and to change the focus point in the design 
His art is instrumentalist, he uses it to transmit messages to the audience or for publicity 

Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey 

Here he uses the values to make his face stand out. and i think he uses white on his face in a ironic way because Obama was our first black president.

In this picture the face stands out because of the values

In his design the dominant element of design is value, he uses these to transmit the his messaged, often the shapes aren't designed as well, but he focuses a lot with the value, for his stickers that look a lot like stencils he uses only value, or almost only value 
All his work has a meaning, in these three examples he uses Obama as a symbol of progress, he was the first black president, he was the one that help america in the crisis he is the progression of the state 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Business Letter

In this business letter i created the Envelope, Letter and the Business Card
My theme was ART, i used lost of elements of art : lines, dots, colors, value, shapes to transmit this theme, My design has even rhythm and balance

The design starts out as a few lines starting from my logo and evolves with letter that are paint drops falling and the business card that is a paint drop in water

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Joshua davis

Here is some work of joshua davis, he is a graphic/ web designer and he creates these images with programs that he created
1)in his work i find that the most important element of art is the line, he uses it a lot to create shapes, to drag you're eye across the page and to make these beautiful designs
2)He uses harmony and balance for his work he doesn't really have a focal point but the work is still very interesting
3)i find his art amusing because of the lines that drag you're eye and make the viewer go trough a process, and he goes trough a process to creat his art
Brainstorm for self promotion